Thursday, April 5, 2012

Perfectionism, emotional dependence and self image

As I mentioned in my last blog, I've always been an emotional person. I really do feel that my emotions rule my life. Which is not to say that I cannot think about things logically and rationally, but by far my emotional state is the biggest motivator of my behavior. Because of this, I've acquired a lot of maladaptive coping mechanisms to try to function in life and get my emotional needs met.

From as early as I can remember, I have struggled with perfectionism. I held myself to an incredibly high standard and expected myself to do everything right all the time. Whenever I made a mistake I would beat myself up terribly. Of course, children don't analyze their feelings and recognize their motivations for doing things. But I have come to see that this desire for perfection stemmed from an emotional need to be loved, accepted and affirmed. I felt if I was perfect that I would get these things, and therefore would be happy. Of course it never really worked out that way. The harder I tried to be perfect, the more I would fail and negative feelings would consume me. I would feel stupid, ugly, worthless. In my adolescent years, I continued in this pattern of seeking perfection...I felt that if I did everything right all the time, people would love me, and give me those emotional things that I needed. I never really felt that I got that and so as a result, the negative feelings would return, I would become anxiety ridden, depressed and hopeless. In my adult life, nothing really changed. I felt if I was perfect, I would be able to acquire the love and acceptance that I so desperately craved. Nowadays my perfectionism has gone the opposite way. I realize I cannot be perfect. I realize I am doomed before I start. It keeps me from doing a lot of things because I fear that I will fail and be unworthy. It is a hindrance to me, but I don't know how to stop the feelings, how to stop this incessant need to be perfect.

Again, relating to my negative ways of coping, I have come to realize that I am extremely emotionally dependent on others. All my life I have been a person who is very sensitive...someone who needs a lot of assurance from others, particularly those close to me. I have tended to latch onto one particular person and rely on that person for everything I need. At times it was friends, other times it was romantic relationships. I would wrap my life around that one person, do everything with them, to the point where everything else just fell by the wayside. I really believe that I have relied so heavily on others because I have not been able to provide myself with the emotional things I need...I expect others to do it for me. I have trouble comforting myself, feeling secure by myself, feeling like a worthwhile person. So I cling to the one person I feel can provide those things to me. At times it has backfired. I have been dependent on people that did not treat me well, that hurt me very deeply. But I simply was afraid to be alone. I needed someone to take care of me and so I tolerated the bad treatment. It frustrates me so much to realize this because I don't want to be dependent on others. I wish I could make myself feel better. But at times, I become just like a child, seeking out that love, comfort, support, protection, feeling like a helpless invalid, unable to care for myself. It is a difficult way to live.

As a result of this, I struggle with defining who I am, with my sense of self. If others treat me well, I feel good, competent, worthy. If others treat me badly I feel bad, empty and worthless. At times it even has nothing to do with other people. At times it shifts without reason. My idea of self fluctuates frequently from one extreme to the other. I find myself questioning, who am I? My perception of myself changes, my goals, my core values, everything. I go from being extremely conservative to extremely liberal. I go from being intensely religious to completely non-religious. Again, I go from seeing myself as awesome, wonderful, perfect, to horrible, ugly, unworthy. This constant fluctuation leaves me feeling confused and lost. At times I feel so certain of who I am and at others I feel I don't have the slightest clue. I could be pushed in any direction the wind blows me.

So I am struggling with all of this now, all of these non-bipolar related issues. I don't know if I will ever be able to work them out, if I will ever be able to change. I don't believe that medication is the answer...I realize these emotional disturbances have probably been caused by environmental factors rather than some chemical brain imbalance. The question is, when you have always been this way, how do you ever fix it?


  1. Hi, I like your post. My name is Liz and I'm also Bipolar. I would like to respond to something you wrote in your last paragraph where you call your "emotional disturbances" "non- bipolar related." It sounds like you aren't giving credit where it's due.
    All of your emotions and emotional needs are effected by being bipolar. That does not mean only those that are bipolar have the same issues you are describing, but being bipolar effects everything.
    Maybe if you keep that in mind while you work on this issue, it will help you keep the ups and downs in perspective.
    Good luck and try to be a little easier on yourself, being bipolar is no easy life.

  2. have you found a way out of these emotions? I feel you on all of this because all of this is me, too.
