I am going through such a difficult time right now. I noticed that since I have been off my medication, my anxiety has returned full force. It is absolutely terrible. I feel like I cannot function at all. I have always had a problem with anxiety and have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
I have anxiety about everything. And I mean literally EVERYTHING. I feel like I can barely make it through the day because it is so severe. I feel physically ill, I have been vomiting because my stomach is sick all the time and I feel horrible.
I made an appointment to see my psychiatrist Monday. I just saw her earlier this week but I feel like I am going to die. At this point I am willing to go back on medication. I don't necessarily want to but I know I cannot continue the way I am. My mental state is just getting worse and worse and if I don't try to do something about it I honestly do not know what will happen. I just can't handle it anymore.
At my last visit, she talked about trying me on a different medication, tegretol or depakote. But I think I want to go back to zyprexa. Thinking back on it, during the time I was on zyprexa, I had very little anxiety. I do believe it somehow helped in that regard. I have no idea if tegretol or depakote would help with it and I need some relief immediately. This is a hard choice for me to make but I know I need to.
Additionally, I have been scheduled for jury service for the month of May. It has only been contributing to my anxiety issues. I am going to try to get a note from my doctor and see if I can be excused from service. I am in no state mentally to be able to go in and deal with that. So hopefully, that will work out.
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