Thursday, October 14, 2010

In medication limbo (thankful for insurance)

I guess I'll post a little update here before I hit the hay. I'm pretty much caught up now on all the poetry I wanted to list, so there it is. I'm up to my current time frame. I tend to only write when something emotional (usually negative) is going on that I have to purge. I've been writing more lately because of that but I don't want to post all my stuff here, just some. Plus if I posted everything this page would be a mile long.

Nothing much new to report, still in limbo with the meds. I went on lithium and went off it just as quickly. It made me feel like I had the worst hangover ever, except it was 24/7. It was HORRIBLE. I couldn't eat or drink because I'd puke, my head was throbbing, I was confused and dizzy and shaky. UGH!!!  Then reading up on lithium really freaked me out because it is basically a naturally ocurring element that can be toxic to people. GREAAAAAAT!!! If your dosing isn't exactly right, and you take too much it can essentially be poisoning you. So I talked to my doc and we dropped the lithium off the list. I go in next week and I'm sure the meds will change up again. Ahhhhhh, fun times. Ok, not really.

In fact I am so frustrated I am ready to just chuck everything and go back to the way I was. I feel like I live solely to go to my doctor appts. I see both my counselor and psychiatrist weekly, lately, since I've been all over the place. Thank God I have good insurance. I've only had to pay $125 total out of all my 30 or 40 visits over the last few months, plus a very very pricey inpatient stay. People talk crap about the military but the insurance has saved me. For anyone who doesn't know how military healthcare works, you see your military provider for everything, but if you need specialized care that is not available on your base (and most stuff isn't available here, because it's a very small base) then you get referred to see civilian docs. That's my situation now. I was an inpatient at a civilian hospital, both my docs now are civilians. I don't go to the base for anything. I think my counselor charges about $125 per session and my psych. is about $225 or $250 a visit. But since I was referred, I pay nothing, it is treated the same as if I were being seen by a military doc. It really works out very well, and again, I am very thankful. I went through a similiar situation when my kids were born because they were twins (high risk pregnancy) and although I lived in a semi-big city, the base could not provide for my needs. All my extensive care was provided at a civilian hospital, and my kids were in the NICU for months. When we totalled up the cost of everything related to the pregnancy and their health issues it wound up being about $1 mil. We didn't have to pay any of it. I will forever be grateful for the way the Air Force has taken care of me as far as my health and the health of my family is concerned.

That's all for now. Not much going on. Just chugging along, not too up, not too down, not too normal either...just sorta there I suppose.

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