Thursday, August 26, 2010

Actually blogging now...

Well I suppose it's time I actually start writing on this blog..haha. I have way too much poetry to add, it's going to take me quite awhile, considering I only use this blog once every few days. I'm pretty busy most of the time. My twins are 2.5 years old and trust me, they are a handful. Having twins is a totally crazy experience but as they say, it's twice as hard but you have twice as much love. My husband works out of town 4 days of the week so it's just me taking care of them and occasionally my dad in the evenings. So it can get tiring.

Today actually happens to be my 4th wedding anniversary with my husband Tim. Hard to believe how time flies. It will be almost 5 years since we have been together. He's been there through all my weirdness although truthfully he doesn't really understand at all. I remember when we first got together I asked, "Have you ever thought about killing yourself?" Just hypothetically of course. He just said, "No..." like it was an odd question so I left it at that and realized, hmmm, maybe not all people feel depressed at times and want to die. LOL...I guess til then I figured everyone had those feelings at some point. Guess I was wrong!

I intend on writing more than just poetry in this blog, it's a little disconcerting at first to start sharing my feelings with the public although I'm sure no one is even reading this right now. Haha...I guess that means I can be brutally honest and say whatever the hell comes to my mind!

I'm off to enjoy my few minutes of freedom while the girls are napping. Oh, the busy life...

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